Spiritual Self-Help Parenting Christian Life Youth |
Finding Christmas
A collection of inspiring articles, stories, quotes, and poems about Christmas to warm your heart this holiday season.
The Wonder of Christmas
Pause and savor the joy of the season with this collection of short quotations, poems, anecdotes, meditations, and more. Celebrate the wonder in Christmas; share its joy and meaning with those dear to you, and its miracle will linger all the year through.
Daily Devotionals & Mottos for Success
Jesus Calling
A daily devotional book filled with uniquely inspired treasures from heaven for every day of the year. Read online/download .pdf |
Moments in the Morning
Moments in the Morning is drawn from a range of sources, including both contemporary and classical writings. Each selection provides a spiritual boost to start your day. You will find anecdotes and proverbs, Bible passages, inspirational insights, prophetic messages, poems and prayers combined to create this uplifting devotional volume, ![]()
Mottos for Success (Part 3)
Mottos for Success is a library of insightful proverbs, sensible advice and stirring slogans that might be just what you need to help you come out on top at the end of your day ![]()
Mottos for Success (Part 4)
This is the fourth edition in the popular Mottos for Success series. Find out for yourself why this series has an enduring place among countless readers worldwide in over twenty-five languages. ![]()
From Jesus with Love
From Jesus with Love
Looking for happiness? Stressed out? Lonely? Faced with tough choices? Barely coping with some crisis? Feeling short on faith, or far from God? Sweet relief is here! From Jesus With Love is full of words of comfort and advice to see you through all of these problems and more. ![]()
From Jesus with Love: For Couples
The messages from Jesus in this book will give you insight into your partner’s mind, tips for how to improve your connection with your loved one, and a heavenly perspective on the key issues of romance and relationships. Long live love! ![]()
From Jesus with Love: The Golden Years
With most of our lives behind us, we can’t help but wonder what lies ahead. The messages from Jesus in this book can give you a heavenly perspective that will fuel your love for life, bolster your faith, and make every new day an adventure. The best is yet to come! ![]()
From Jesus with Love: For Troubled Times
This book of messages from Jesus contains many wonderful assurances that He will help us through those trying times when we most need His love and comfort.
From Jesus with Love: For Women
Jesus knows exactly what you’re up against. He’s always there to listen and encourage. Where you have problems, He has solutions. These messages from Jesus are sure to help you get the most out of life.
From Jesus with Love: Forgiveness
Jesus had much to say about forgiveness during His life on earth, and it is such an important topic that He has more to say today. Learn how to forgive from the One who forgives us for everything we have done or will do wrong. ![]()
From Jesus with Love: My Healing Touch
No one understands the needs of your body and spirit better than Jesus, and no one can help you through difficult times of sickness like He can. This book will equip you to deal with illness like never before.
From Jesus with Love: Success with People
No one understands people better than Jesus, and no one can help you build successful relationships with others like He can. Here’s your chance to learn from the Master! ![]()
From Jesus with Love: To You
This book contains short, soul-stirring messages of love, comfort, inspiration and guidance, all of which were received directly from Jesus. ![]()
From Jesus with Love: Who Cares? (For Teens)
There is someone around who is the best friend you could ask for. His name is Jesus. He has a lot of good tips that'll help you be happier and get through things more easily, and that's what this book is full of. Enjoy!
Get Activated Series
God's Gifts
There's one giver whose gifts are perfect for every occasion! All you have to do is reach out the hand of faith and receive them. God's Gifts tells you what they are and how you can have them.
Love's Many Faces
What is love? Where does it come from? Is it human or divine? How do you find it? How do you know it’s real? How do you know it will last? How can you have more? How can you give more? These quotations, poems, reflections, and anecdotes are sure to put more love into your life. ![]()
Prayer Power
Prayer Power is an easy-to-follow user’s manual for the greatest creative energy there is, or ever will be—the power of God! Learn how prayer works. Generate unlimited power to benefit yourself and others. Change the world around you. Prayer Power tells you how.
Understanding God's Word
Learn to tap into the power that has made world changers and living saints out of ordinary people, inspired artistic and musical masterpieces and brought love, happiness, and purpose to countless others for millenniums....
Obstacles are for Overcoming
Learn how to use stumbling blocks as stepping stones. Take advantage of your handicap. Transform impossibilities into exhilarating challenges. Obstacles Are for Overcoming tells you how.
Hearing from Heaven
Would you like to know how you can hear God speak to you personally? Follow the simple step-by-step guidelines on these pages and discover the wonders of Hearing from Heaven!
Keys to Parenting
Keys to Baby
Are you looking for practical advice to help you raise a bright and happy baby? Do you want to establish a deep and lasting bond with the child God has given you? Keys to Baby will help you discover the amazing person your baby is and can become.
Keys to Toddlers and Preschoolers
Learn how to harness the energy of your pint-size hurricane to make the most of these crucial early years of rapid learning and development.
Keys to Kids
How do you teach a child right and wrong? What is the balance between giving freedom and setting limits? Keys to Kids gives practical advice to help you tackle these tough issues.
Do you feel locked out of your teen’s life and want back in? Are you getting blown about or hurt by turbulence in your relationship with your teen? Parenteening addresses these issues and more.
Power for Parenthood
Parenting begins with the arrival of your first baby and instantly gets more complicated. What can you do? Where can you turn for the answers, reassurance, encouragement, love, strength, and courage you need? Good news: God is eager to be your parenting partner. Learn how to power up your mind and spirit by plugging into His vast power supply.
Mountain Streams
Ambassadors of Love
"As the Father has sent Me," Jesus told His closest followers, "I also send you" (John 20:21). He says the same to His followers of today. He came to love the world, and He calls us to do likewise. Will you answer His call? Ambassadors of Love will help you learn how.
Dare to be Different
What was it about the early Christians that made it possible for them to reach the whole known world with the Gospel in less than 200 years? What has helped millions of other Christians to quietly change their part of the world? These articles present important Christian truths in a thought-provoking style that sparks a desire to make a difference today!
Greater Victories
This series of seven articles combines basic spiritual principles from the Bible with up-to-the-minute analogies and explanations to form a game plan that is easy to follow and sure to succeed!
God Online
Have you ever wished you had a hotline to Heaven so you could get God’s help? Well, you can! This series of ten articles uses key verses from the Bible and sometimes surprising analogies to make communicating with God as simple and natural as God means for it to be...
More Like Jesus
More Like Jesus puts true Christian living where it belongs—within easy reach of anyone who loves Jesus and wants to please Him.
More Than Conquerors
From God's perspective, the real winners are rarely those who seem to have it all, but rather those with faith enough to keep loving and holding on to Him when everything seems to be going wrong. More than Conquerors is a collection of ten articles that inspires that kind of faith!
Quiet Moments
Quiet Moments for Busy Days
Take a needed break with Quiet Moments for Busy Days. Choose from a variety of topics, ranging from the everyday to the everlasting. You will find anecdotes, prose, poetry, scriptures, spiritual exercises, quotations, inspirational readings, and prayers. Five to ten minutes is all you need to enjoy a page or two or take a little longer to read an entire chapter. ![]()
Quiet Moments for Parents
The diverse challenges and joys of parenthood are reflected in this varied selection of anecdotes, inspirational thoughts, poems, and scriptures. Quiet Moments for Parents can provide strength and inspiration in those rare quiet moments which each mother and father deserves. ![]()
Quiet Moments for Success
Achieving success in life takes many forms, but there are universal ingredients: Defining what we want to achieve, setting priorities, making plans, getting started, working with others, and persevering are just a few. Then, on the other side of the balance we are wise to pause, to avoid stress, to avail ourselves of God’s help. ![]()
Quiet Moments When You Need Them Most
Our lives, like the seasons, are a collection of bright moments and bleaker times, an intermingling of joys and sorrows. This selection of anecdotes, reflections, and scriptures will lift your spirit when you need it most. ![]()
Other Books
Evolution: Fact or Fable?
This short book examines evidence for and against evolution, dealing with a few of the most oft-repeated claims for and against both. Read it and decide for yourself how evolution fares. ![]()
Glimpses of Heaven
This book is a unique collection of anecdotes, reflections, literary quotations and verse, revealing the wonders that await us in the next life. Drawing from a multitude of sources and authors, it convincingly affirms that the closing of this life is "a passage out of a prison into a palace" where our deepest longings and desires will be fulfilled.
God on God
What does God think about what's going on down here these days? Why did He make the planet in the first place? What does He think of important social issues? What's Heaven like? Is there a Hell and how bad is it? God answers these and a host of other questions in this absorbing collection of casual and candid interviews. What He has to say might surprise you!
Survival Handbook for a Disciple of Jesus
The purpose of this Survival Handbook for a Disciple of Jesus is to give you immediate access to the gospel truth. These key Bible verses are tried and proven for personal guidance and meditation, for prosperity and health, for joy and peace, for instruction and teaching, for witnessing, for comfort and strength in time of need. Survival Handbook for a Disciple of Jesus.pdf |
The Beauty of Forgiveness
Discover how to overcome past hurts through the incredible power of forgiving yourself and others. ![]()
Who is Jesus?
Was Jesus a real person? What did he actually say and do? Why does it matter??Discover the answer to these and other questions in this fascinating book.
The Future and Bible Prophecy
The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist
A description, based on biblical predictions, of the inevitable rise of a mysterious master of evil whom the Bible calls the Antichrist, the Beast, the Evil One, the Man of Sin, and the Son of Hell—and his spectacular fall at Armageddon. ..
From the End to Eternity
Discover what the Bible relates about the fantastic future of the world that God has in store.
Daniel the Prophet
Is the book of Daniel genuine? Were its prophecies about the past fulfilled? Even more importantly, what does it have to say about the future? Discover answers to these questions and more with this intriguing analysis of the Biblical Book of Daniel.
The Book of the Future
Discover what the Bible has to say about the present, near future and distant future with this intriguing book. The Book of the Future is written without theological jargon and portrays a clear picture of what we can expect from the time period known in the Bible as the Last Days. ![]()
The Heart of it All
The Heart of It All
Who is God? Why did Jesus come to earth? Get an in-depth look at the foundation of Christianity and what Christians believe and why.
The Treasure of...
The Treasure of Faith
The thoughts, reflections, Bible verses, stories, and poems found within these pages are meant to fortify our faith and strengthen the conviction that it is possible to achieve any goal when we proceed with dignity and faith. ![]()
The Treasure of Health
Do you want to enjoy better health, be more physically capable, look better, and live longer? It’s easier than you think. This book will give you the incentive and practical tips to help you preserve this great treasure, health. ![]()
The Treasure of Joy
This collection of anecdotes, quotes, poems, and reflections will facilitate the growth of a strong robust plant of joy in your soul. ![]()
The Treasure of Love
These pages contain thoughts, Bible verses, stories, and poems, all selected for one purpose: to give you the tools to build a loving environment in your home and circles and warm all those who cross your path. ![]()
The Treasure of Peace
What can we do to recover peace in this chaotic modern world? Is it possible to have peace in our surroundings and peace in our hearts? Absolutely! The God of peace can soothe our troubled spirit and help us transmit that peace and serenity to those around us. This selection of Bible verses, reflections, anecdotes, poems, and quotes will guide you on the path of peace. ![]()
To Jesus with Love
To Jesus with Love: Prayers of Devotion
In this book you’ll find 70 short prayers, each expressing thankfulness and adoration to the one who is the creator of the universe, God Almighty, and our best friend. Rest in Him and revel in His goodness as you reflect on these words. ![]()
To Jesus with Love: Prayers of Thankfulness
If you're looking for more optimism and happiness in your life, partake of the uplifting and refreshing benefits of directing praises to God through these conveniently short prayers of praise. ![]()